Vote Securely At

The Comfort of

Your Home

Secure, convenient online voting, allowing you to cast your ballot form anywhere. Your voice matters!

Create an election
illustration of woman voting


Create an election

Get started by creating your project. Name it, set the dates, and outline the details of your election or vote

Import or create new ballots and eligible voters

Next, import existing ballots and eligible voters or create new ones. Ensure everyone who should participate is included.

Import or create new ballots and eligible voters

Once everything is set up, launch your election with a click. It's that easy!

Monitor results

Finally, keep track of the results in real-time. Monitor participation and see the outcome as it unfolds

Frequently Asked Questions

Is pollmaster free?

PollMaster is free to use and open source.

How do i import my own ballots?

This question will be answered once the platform is fully developed.

How secure is pollmaster?

Voters choices during elections are not shared to anyone, not even the admin.

Why is Hamida so awesome?

Because she is from a different planet and has the coolest persona anyone would have ever known.